現在位置: 杉並区公式ホームページ > くらし・手続き > Useful Information for Foreigners(外国人の方への情報提供) > Free Consultation Services for Foreigners 〔外国人の無料相談サービス〕
ページID : 541
更新日 : 2022年7月25日
Free Consultation Services for Foreigners 〔外国人の無料相談サービス〕
Foreign Residents' Advisory Corner(区政相談課 外国人相談窓口)
At Public Hearing Section of Suginami City Office, there is a Foreign Residents' Advisory Corner where you can consult on your problems in your everyday life or questions on public administration.
- English:Every Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon; Every Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Chinese:Every Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Every Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Note:Excluding national holidays and year-end/New Year holidays.
Method of Consultation
Please call the main switch board No.03-3312-2111 for "Kusei Soudan-ka" (Public Hearing Section) or visit.
Public Hearing Section (Counter No. 12, East Wing 1F)
Suginami City Office
tel: 03-3312-2111 (Main)
Support Desk for Foreign Residents(交流協会 外国人サポートデスク)
Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange (SACE) offers "Support Desk for Foreign Residents" at Public Hearing Section, Suginami City Office. Volunteers will assist you wherever you need to go within the City Office. You can ask for assistance in English, Chinese, Korean, and Nepali. Please feel free to talk to the friendly and resourceful volunteers.
Public Hearing Section (Counter No. 12, East Wing 1F)
Suginami City Office
- English:Every Monday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Every Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
- Chinese:Every Monday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon; 1st, 3rd, 5th Friday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Nepali:Every Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
- Korean:2nd and 4th Friday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Inquire:Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange (SACE)
tel: 03-5378-8833
E-mail: info@suginami-kouryu.org
Tokyo Metropolitan Foreign Residents' Advisory Center(東京都外国人相談)
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government offers consultation and a counseling service for foreign people living in Tokyo. They offer consultation in English, Chinese, and Korean.
[The Kabukicho Center] Shinjuku Foreigners' Employment Assistance and Guidance Center(新宿外国人雇用支援・指導センター)
Interpreters are available in English and Chinese by appointment.
- Shinjuku Foreigner's Employment Assistance and Guidance Center[English](新宿外国人雇用支援・指導センター 英語版)
- Shinjuku Foreigner's Employment Assistance and Guidance Center[Chinese](新宿外国人雇用支援・指導センター 中国語版)
[The Nishi Shinjuku Center] Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners(東京外国人雇用サービスセンター)
Interpreters are available in English and Chinese by appointment between 9:15 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Tokyo Labor Consultation Service for Foreign Workers(東京都外国人労働相談窓口)
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government offers labor consultation staffed with English and Chinese interpreters.
Tokyo Metropolitan Education Consultation Center(東京都教育相談センター)
Tokyo Metropolitan Education Consultation Center provide counseling and consultation services for children (under 18), parents and teachers, regarding problems in school and family life.
Consultation is offered in English, Chinese, and Korean.
Information on Free Professional Consultation for Foreign Residents(外国人のための無料専門家相談会情報)
We offer Professional Consultation for Foreign Residents. Volunteers will interpret and professionals will respond to the following concerns and problems: legal problems such as visa, resident status, international marriage and divorce, etc., labor related problems such as wages and dismissal, problems related to health insurance, unemployment insurance, and pension plans, problems with education, troubles in shopping and contracts, housing and more.
Lawyers and Interpreters of English, Chinese, and Korean are available in each site. Inquire about other professionals and languages to host organization.
Appointment is not required. All consultations will be strictly confidential. Your privacy will be assured.
Immigration Bureau of Japan(入国管理局)
Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents(外国人総合相談支援センター)
It provides general consultation for foreigners in English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Bengali, Indonesian, and Vietnamese.
Consultation in each language vary by day, so please refer to the attachment.
Hygeia Bldg. 11F, 2-44-1 Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, in "Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza"
tel:03-3202-5535, 03-5155-4039
〒166-8570 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1丁目15番1号
- Free Consultation Services for Foreigners 〔外国人の無料相談サービス〕
- Other Consultation Services〔その他の相談サービス〕
- Disaster Prevention Information 〔防災情報〕
- Medical Information〔医療情報〕
- Other Useful Information 〔その他の情報〕
- A Guide to Living in Suginami City〔くらしのガイド〕
- Tax〔税金〕
- Sightseeing Guide〔観光案内〕
- Hello!Suginami (English Newsletter) 〔英字広報〕
- Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange(SACE)〔杉並区交流協会〕
- Learning Japanese Language〔日本語学習〕
- List of Embassies, Consulates and International Organizations in Japan〔国内の大使館・領事館及び国際団体一覧〕