現在位置: 杉並区公式ホームページ > くらし・手続き > Useful Information for Foreigners(外国人の方への情報提供) > Tax〔税金〕
ページID : 547
更新日 : 2024年3月1日
National Tax Agency(Income Tax)(国税庁〔確定申告〕)
2023 Income Tax and Special Income Tax for Reconstruction Guide
The filling period of your taxable income in the period of the calendar year 2023,is open:
From February 16 (Fri) through March 15 (Fri), 2024.
- You are advised that you file your final return and complete the payment before March 15(Wed.).2024, if you earn taxable income in the calendare year 2023,from Janurary 1 to December 31.
- When you can receive a tax refund, the Tax Office accept your final return before February 15(Wed.),2024.
- 2023 Income Tax and Special Income Tax for Reconstruction Guide (National Tax Agency)[English]
Suginami Taxation Office(Suginami Zeimusho)
Please go to Suginami Taxation Office to file your final income tax if you live in the following area:
- Asagaya-kita
- Asagaya-minami
- Izumi
- Umezato
- Eifuku
- Omiya
- Kami-Takaido
- Koenji-kita
- Koenji-minami
- Shimo-Takaido
- Takaido-nishi
- Takaido-higashi
- Narita-nishi
- Narita-higashi
- Hamadayama
- Honan
- Horinouchi
- Matsunoki
- Wada
Address: 4-15-8 Narita-higashi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-8501
電話: 03-3313-1131 (Japanese only)
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ogikubo Taxation Office(Ogikubo Zeimusho)
Please go to Ogikubo Taxation Office to file your final income tax if you live in the following area:
- Amanuma
- Igusa
- Imagawa
- Ogikubo
- Kami-Igusa
- Kami-Ogi
- Kugayama
- Shimizu
- Shimo-Igusa
- Sho-an
- Zempukuji
- Nishiogi-kita
- Nishiogi-minami
- Hon-Amanuma
- Minami-Ogikubo
- Miyamae
- Momoi
Address: 5-15-13 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-8506
電話: 03-3392-1111 (Japanese only)
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tokyo Regional Tax Bureau Consultation Service for Foreign Residents(東京都主税局外国人相談)
For inquiries on national tax, contact Tokyo Regional Tax Bureau Consultation Service for Foreign Residents.
Consultation available: Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Language: English
Guide to Metropolitan Taxes 2023(ガイドブック都税)
Also available in Chinese and Korean.
- Guide to Metropolitan Taxes 2023[English](英語版 ガイドブック都税2023)
- Guide to Metropolitan Taxes 2023[Chinese](中国語版 ガイドブック都税2023)
- Guide to Metropolitan Taxes 2023[Korean](韓国語版 ガイドブック都税2023)
Inhabitant Tax of the 23 Special Cities in Tokyo(東京23区の住民税)
〒166-8570 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1丁目15番1号
- Free Consultation Services for Foreigners 〔外国人の無料相談サービス〕
- Other Consultation Services〔その他の相談サービス〕
- Disaster Prevention Information 〔防災情報〕
- Medical Information〔医療情報〕
- Other Useful Information 〔その他の情報〕
- A Guide to Living in Suginami City〔くらしのガイド〕
- Tax〔税金〕
- Sightseeing Guide〔観光案内〕
- Hello!Suginami (English Newsletter) 〔英字広報〕
- Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange(SACE)〔杉並区交流協会〕
- Learning Japanese Language〔日本語学習〕
- List of Embassies, Consulates and International Organizations in Japan〔国内の大使館・領事館及び国際団体一覧〕