FY2020 Hello! Suginami
- February 1, 2021 NO.1884 (PDF 746.8KB)
- December 1,2020 No.1883 (PDF 802.1KB)
- October 1,2020 No.1882 (PDF 1.2MB)
August.1.2020 No.1881 (PDF 639.9KB)
表面のSuginami City Population(as of July 1,2020)について数値に漏れがありました。正しくはTotal population 576,652、Foreign residents 17,480です。
英訳:The figures of the “Suginami City Population (as of July 1, 2020)” on the front page were omitted.The correct figures are: Total population 576,652, Foreign residents 17,480. - June 1,2020 No.1880 (PDF 858.7KB)
- April 1,2020 No.1879 (PDF 677.1KB)
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電話:03-3312-2111(代表) ファクス:03-3312-9911