Suginami City Disaster and Disaster Prevention Information E-mail Service


ページ番号1030325  更新日 令和6年4月1日 印刷 


The same information as the disaster preparedness broadcasts and weather conditions will be sent by e-mail in English.


Suginami City provides the following information about disaster prevention


Flood Damage(水害では)

  • When an advisory or a warning of heavy rain, flood,snow and gale is issued in Suginami City
  • When the water level of river excesses the warning level in Suginami City
  • When rainfall excesses the designated level in Suginami City

Tornado (竜巻では)

  • When a tornado warning information is issued in Suginami City


  • When an earthquake with seismic intensity 3 or greater occurs in Suginami City


  • When a Landslide Alert Information is issued in Suginami City and when the
    information is cancelled

In addition to the above information(上記の情報に加えて)

Weekend Weather Information will be e-mailed every Friday and other important information will be provided.

Please register in advance(事前に登録が必要)

How to register(登録方法)


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〒166-8570 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1丁目15番1号
電話:03-3312-2111(代表) ファクス:03-3312-9402